DA Assignment 2

name : fitriya dessi wulandari
nim    : A320100187

Writing Summary by Fitri Nurwiyanti

An article in Campus magazine entitled “Publics Participation For Education” by Miftakhul Khoiri presents the first school Taman Siswa built by Ki Hajar Dewantara. Education paradigm is growing in Indonesia to fulfill the sprit of education these days. Citizens should get competent education. Education is responsibility by government and the side of private sector individual and group. Because of limited cost, the government opens the opportunity for public to participate and develop business education such as; building opening schools, courses, or skill education with facilities more complete and better than government schools. Supported by complete and good facilities make this school rather expensive because it also promises the good management on its education.
Indonesia has pesantren as education system (Islamic boarding house models). It is classified into two models: First Traditional, it does not collect the payment from the students and students can stay and study freely. They study about Islamic science for the sake of individual and public. The traditional pesantren still be one choice by our society under class social. Second, Modern pesantren collects the payment of the students because it gives more ability and knowledge for students. They do not only study about Islam but also other sciences like Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Language and Art. They are prepared to face the era that always changes.
Without already realized the friction that could be happened from motivation of organizer and management of existing education. To get the good education with their equipment of facility they perform forced the citizen get dealing with power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man children. Poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education. Government and private sector individually and group have big homework to repair their education inspect that aims on making organization of education.
I agree with the writer who says that about publics participation for education is importance. He says that the education not only managed by government, but also the society has contribution to build education together, about how they create good education, both the facilities, system and soon. The government should think that all the society level can enjoy education reasonably. Moreover, to get good education with equipment of facility they perform to force the citizen get the power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man children. I think that the middle society should optimalize brilliant brain to be able to compete with others. The writer says that the poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education. I think that this statement is true. The government and the private school should really provide scholarship for the students who have competence to enjoy education.

Analysis :
Paragraph 1
  • An article : is a demonstrative kataforik reference, because its refers to the written text with the tittle “Publics Participation For Education”
  • This days, discourse analysis, means condition or time when the article was made.
  • And is additive conjunction that correlate the government and side of private sector individual.
  • Because of is casual conjunction referring to the statement, “the government opens the opportunity for public to participate and develop business education….”
  • This school, is a substitution means that private school which has complete facilities od better than government school.

Paragraph 2
  • It, is demonstrative  anaforik reference and refers to pesantren
  • First is temporal conjunction.
  • They, is demonstrative anaforik reference and referring to students in traditional pesantren.
  • It is demonstrative anaforik reference, referring to modern pesantren.
  • Biology, Mathematics,….” Is a collocation with science.
  • They is demonstrative anaforik reference, referring to students in modern pesantren.

Paragraph 3
  • Their is demonstrative anaforik reference referring to good education.
  • They is demonstrative  anaforik reference referring to good education.
  • They is anaforik reference referring to poor people.
  • Their is anaforik reference referring to poor people.

Paragraph 4
  • I is personal anaforik reference referring to Fitri.
  • The writer is personal anaforik reference referring to Miftakhul Choiri.
  • He is personal anaforik reference referring to Miftakhul Choiri.
  • They is demonstrative anaforik reference referring to the government and society.
  • Moreover is additional conjunction.
  • They is demonstrative anafforik reference referring to good education.
  • This statement is verbal substitution referring to  the writer says that the poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education.