DA Assignment 1 "What discourse study is"

name : fitriya dessi wulandari
nim    : a320100187
class  : C

1.      The answers of David Nunan’s Book.
1a. the meaning of text is there was rebellion when the Liberation party go on. And the police gave information that 135 people were died in Bujumbura and also 137 people in Bubanza and Northern provinces of Citiboke.  Although the place was saved, security still stands guard in this area. And in central African there was rebellion too. 272 people were killed by rebel.
1b. two people had been killed by the rebel who had refused the instruction from them. So the government gave command to police to investigate it. When the investigation 20 members of rebbel were died by rural vigilantes armed. Because their partner was died by the police, they wes celebrate him in “armed strike“.
1c. “At least 14 people died on Saturday after drinking a cheap alcoholic beverage, raising to 20 the number of people killed by the poisonous brew in two days, news report said.
The reporter give information if on Saturday there were 14 people was died by alcohol. Because the price of beverage is cheaper so the quality of alcohol is evil. The people drink the beverage abnormally, they body refused so they killed himself/
“The quake measured 5.7 on the Richter scale and was felt shortly before 10.05 am (0850 GMT) Bucharest radio quoted on official report as saying.”
Bucharest radio gives information about the earth quake. After that, an earthquake was happened. So any people can fell it, because they concentrate with their activity.
“judge Neil Dennsion said Robert Phee, 23, a technician on the hit musical “Miss Saigon”, was “gripped by the excitement and theatrically” of his eight robberies which netted him 15,000 pounds.”
The man who has job in musical product was surprised with the thief. The robber was pick up his money. The information was showed by reporter.
So, the Discourse Study is the way that we have to know what the meaning behind the meaning and it can be the study of language use. 
 2.      An article
Fauzi Bowo’s popularity, fortunes most attractive to parties: expert
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 03/15/2012 12:41 PM
A | A | A |
Fauzi Bowo: (Tribunnews.com/Herudin)
Political expert Muhammad Qodari has said that despite criticisms of incumbent Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo’s leadership qualities, he was still considered the favorite of the political parties for the upcoming elections thanks to his popularity and, of course, political fortunes.
“Whoever becomes his deputy, will have a big opportunity to win the gubernatorial seat in the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial elections,” Qodari, a researcher at Indobarometer, said on Thursday as quoted by tribunnews.com.
However, Qodari didn’t elaborate on how precisely Fauzi’s fortunes would play a role in the upcoming elections. To date, at least two of the big political parties have announced an interest in naming Fauzi, popularly known as Foke, as their candidate for the election. They are the Democratic Party, of which Fauzi is the Jakarta chapter chief, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) who may opt to abandon their own potential runner Surakarta mayor Joko Widodo and pick Fauzi as their candidate.(dic)
 The analysis:
A.    Deixis
1.      Person Deixis
a.       He was still considered the favorite of the political parties for the upcoming elections thanks to his popularity and, of course, political fortunes.
b.      “Whoever becomes his deputy, will have a big opportunity to win the gubernatorial seat in the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial elections,” Qodari
c.       They are the Democratic Party, of which Fauzi is the Jakarta chapter chief, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) who may opt to abandon their own potential runner Surakarta mayor Joko Widodo and pick Fauzi as their candidate.
2.      Spatial Deixis
There is no spatial deixis.
3.      Temporal Deixis
a.       Qodari, a researcher at Indobarometer, said on Thursday as quoted by tribunnews.com.
b.      To date, at least two of the big political parties have announced an interest in naming Fauzi, popularly known as Foke, as their candidate for the election.
4.      Social Deixis
The relationship between Fauzi Bowo and Muhamad Qodari is the person who inform and the political expert.
B.     Cohesion
1.      Substitution
There is no substitution.
2.      Ellipsis
To date, at least two of the big political parties have announced an interest in naming Fauzi, popularly known as Foke, as their candidate for the election. They are the Democratic Party, of which Fauzi is the Jakarta chapter chief, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) who may opt to abandon their own potential runner Surakarta mayor Joko Widodo and pick Fauzi as their candidate.
-          Candidate means candidate for election.
3.      Reference
There is no reference.
4.      Conjunction
They are the Democratic Party, of which Fauzi is the Jakarta chapter chief, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) who may opt to abandon their own potential runner Surakarta mayor Joko Widodo and pick Fauzi as their candidate.
5.      Lexical Cohesion
There is no lexical cohesion.